Google Voice SearchGoogle Play Store’s best app is Google Voice Search, hands down. This handy app has the capability to recognize 90 percent of the words used in common vocabulary. It works by simply tapping the mic icon and saying whatever is needed. This app is also great for doing a quick Google search. It’s recommended to turn the volume up, so the written words can be heard. SpeaktoitNot only will this app type out what a person says, but it also can follow commands, such as opening an email. Just like with Google Voice Search, it’s able to perform internet searches through voice activation. The app is so productive that it was mentioned in Forbes magazine. It will also notify a person about important events and occasions. Speaktoit actually has a memory of its own. This app has the ability to adjust to a person’s schedule. Speech/Text NotepadThis particular app is perfect for storing passwords, birthdates, anniversaries, and other important information. Furthermore, it can be used for taking notes, which would be perfect for college students. Certain words can be highlighted in different colours to aid organization. Since this app stores essential information, it has a security feature that won’t allow access without the correct password. Naturally, the person is able to change their password at anytime. The Speech/Text app is a must-have for just about anyone. AskWiki-Voice Recognition AppThe Ask/Wiki-Voice app is ideal for those who like to search things on Wikipedia. It works so fast that it will bring search results within seconds. This app supports three languages which are Czech, English and German. There has been nothing but happy reviews on Google Play Store regarding this app. Utter Voice CommandUtter Voice Command is able to perform tasks both online and offline. One can now easily open up their inbox, messages or any other app with Voice Command. It works super fast and has extremely advanced algorithms. This amazing app enables one to do everything on their phone hands-free. It can set alarms, schedules, go on Facebook, music and more. All five of these apps are easily voice-activated and give the Android user more convenience. In certain ways, some of these are better than others. There is no reason why a person can’t download more than one of these apps. However, everyone should have at least one of these apps.

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